A Study of James Bond’s Poisoning Scene in Casino Royale


Upon watching Casino Royale for the first time 9 years ago, I have been curious about the poisoning scene – how is it that a single drop of Digitalis could result in a spike in Bond’s heart rate and subsequently cardiac arrest? I’ve wanted to learn more about the underlying mechanisms since then as my curiosity kept increasing with every rewatch, but I never had the opportunity to do so until recently.

As many of my mates and readers know, I’m doing a Pharmacology major in my Science degree and have been incredibly fascinated with drugs (medications) and how they work in the body to produce a therapeutic and sometimes a detrimental effect since I was very young. So this study was definitely a fun one to help strengthen my fundamental physiological understanding and also leverage on some of my (very basic) pharmacological knowledge from studying my best friend’s lecture notes in the past prior to studying my Pharmacology units in Monash. Looking forward to learning more when I do so next year!

SPOILER WARNING FOR CASINO ROYALE: While it is not necessary for you to watch the entire movie to understand what led up to this point, it is still advisable to watch the entire movie to know the characters involved in the poisoning scene as I won’t be delving into explaining much of who a certain character is and how they are related to Bond.

TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR: Poisoning, vomiting, cardiac arrest, peril

Published by doubleohangel

Writer. Blogger. Roleplayer. Goes by she/her pronouns. Also an avid reader of books and novels. James Bond (Craig's Era) enthusiast. Current student at Monash University Australia, studying a Bachelor of Science majoring in Pharmacology.

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